
Startsida Forum E-handelsforumet Generellt om E-handel Help Need Swedish Terms & Conditions!

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  • #101390

    Hi all, I wonder if someone can help. I need to find a site where I can buy some standard terms and conditions of use for a Swedish website. In the uk I use a site called e-terms.co.uk but this is written in English and relates to UK law.

    Are there any similar sites in Sweden / Swedish that I could use please?

    Any help would be really, really appreciated.

    Thanks so much




    Here you can find one good template:
    Förslag på svenska köpvillkor till våra webbutiker

    But you will still have to tweak it for your needs i guess…

    / Jerry


    @Littlebernard.se 74955 wrote:


    Here you can find one good template:
    Förslag på svenska köpvillkor till våra webbutiker

    But you will still have to tweak it for your needs i guess…

    / Jerry

    Thanks Jerry! At the risk of sounding like a complete moron on my first ever post here, I should’ve said that the site is a content site and not ecommerce yet. So I need terms and conditions that cover this rather than sale of goods. I realise this community is to support ecommerce ventures, but I was recommended it when I first posted the question on ”The Local” which is a resource for foreigners in Sweden. One user recommended this forum as the community here is clearly knowledgable in digital, so I hope you can forgive the fact that the question isn’t specifically about ecommerce.

    Thanks to all for reading and any advice would be very gratefully received.

    All the best



    I might be able to help you out. Send me a private message and I’ll see what I can do! :)


    ”…the site is a content site and not ecommerce yet. So I need terms and conditions that cover this rather than sale of goods.”

    If it’s just a content site, I’m not sure why you would need any explicit terms and conditions in the first place. Can you say something more about the site? What is it you think you need to define in the conditions?

    Two things that may creep up is ”personuppgiftslagen/PUL” (regulates handling of data about individuals) and the PTS rules for cookies, but it depends on what kind of functionality you have on the site.

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