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  • #172747
    Deltagare 74955 wrote:


    Here you can find one good template:
    Förslag på svenska köpvillkor till våra webbutiker

    But you will still have to tweak it for your needs i guess…

    / Jerry

    Thanks Jerry! At the risk of sounding like a complete moron on my first ever post here, I should’ve said that the site is a content site and not ecommerce yet. So I need terms and conditions that cover this rather than sale of goods. I realise this community is to support ecommerce ventures, but I was recommended it when I first posted the question on ”The Local” which is a resource for foreigners in Sweden. One user recommended this forum as the community here is clearly knowledgable in digital, so I hope you can forgive the fact that the question isn’t specifically about ecommerce.

    Thanks to all for reading and any advice would be very gratefully received.

    All the best


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